domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2015

Cindy Whitehead...con ella llegó el orgasmo. / Addyi

Cindy Whitehead, co-founder and chief executive, Sprout Pharma 

Whitehead founded Sprout with her husband Bob, who she succeeded as chief executive in January 2015. Under Whitehead’s leadership, Sprout was able to revive Addyi (flibanserin) – a drug that Boehringer and regulators had given up on in 2010 – and obtain US approval for the female libido drug in September, despite questions about its efficacy and safety concerns. Shortly after, Valeant bought the company for $1 billion. Whitehead has 22 years’ experience in healthcare, including roles at Merck & Co, Dura Pharmaceuticals and Elan Pharmaceuticals.

Asi aparece su biografía en el ranking: "Promoting diversity in the pharma industry: 10 female pharma rising stars"

Sin embargo no fué todo un "camino rosa" el que tuvo que recorrer la "píldora rosa" sino una dura pelea...

Todo por un "conflicto de deseos"

The supposed problem that flibanserin helps women solve is an absence of spontaneous, out-of-nowhere desire. Here's how one participant in the flibanserin drug trials described her difficulty: "Once I started, it wasn't an issue. It was getting me started." 

"I hate having to 'wind myself up' to do it," said another participant, "It makes me feel broken." 

 Like many women, the two flibanserin Guinea pigs were taught to believe that if they don't experience a "craving" sensation, there must be something wrong with them. But that's simply not true. 

Research over the last 20 years has found that there is another totally legitimate way to experience desire. It is called responsive desire, because it emerges in response to pleasure, whereas spontaneous desire emerges in anticipation of pleasure. 

Spontaneous desire is not an essential component of sexual well-being. Pleasure is an essential component — having fun at the party — and what the research tells us is that responsive desire is not associated with arousal difficulties, problems with orgasm or any other dysfunction.

Most people experience both spontaneous and responsive desire at different times in their lives, though researchers don't have universally accepted numbers of how many people experience either. Responsive desire isn't worse than spontaneous desire, it's just different. 

Yet Sprout, the company that owned flibanserin at the time of its approval, appears, shockingly, not to realize that a little "winding up" is perfectly normal, and that it's — therefore — been treating healthy women. 

During an FDA hearing, one panelist asked why women in the study were having, on average, two or three "sexually satisfying events" per month before the trial began. If they lacked desire, asked the panelist, why were they having any sex? A Sprout presenter answered, "Once they engage in activity, it's pleasurable." 

Which is a tidy definition of responsive desire.(Más)

Ver todo flibanserin en PHARMACOSERÍAS

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