jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

BAYER: Discriminación de género.

Novartis tuvo problemas...

NOVARTIS no "mima" a sus mujeres...

Antes había sido Sanofi...

SANOFI: Discrimina (USA) a las mujeres en la Visita médica y paga pero...ni para pipas.

Ahora es Bayer...

Six current and former Bayer employees have filed a lawsuit against the drugmaker and its US unit over charges they suffered gender discrimination, denial of equal pay and promotions, and retaliation. And they are seeking $100 million in damages and class-action status. They are represented by the same firm that filed suit against Novartis and resulted in a $152 million over similar charges.

The lawsuit alleges a pattern discrimination in pay, promotions, and the treatment of pregnant women and mothers. Specifically, they charge Bayer pays women less than their male counterparts; deny promotions to better and higher paying jobs; limits employment opportunities to lower and less desirable job classifications, and exposes them to different treatment and a hostile work environment.

The lawsuit goes on to maintain that Bayer has either published or disseminated articles that suggest men are better suited to be managers than women; describing females as prone to “mood swings,” “indecision,” and “backstabbing;” and concluding that “women with power are ‘loose canons’ who often feel threatened by colleagues,” according to the lawsuit

(read it here).

Gracias a Ed Silverman/Pharmalot

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